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*undergraduate authors




(11) Ramirez, MD, L Avens, AB Meylan, DJ Shaver, AR Stahl, PA Meylan, JM Clark, LN Howell, BA Stacy, WG Teas, and KW McMahon. 2023. Dietary plasticity linked to divergent growth trajectories in a critically endangered sea turtle. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1050582.




(10) Ramirez, MD, AC Besser, SD Newsome, and KW McMahon. 2021. Meta-analysis of primary producer amino acid δ15N values and their influence on trophic position estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1750-1767 (Cover Paper).


(9) Avens, L, MD Ramirez, LR Goshe, J Clark, A Meylan, D Shaver, and M Godfrey. 2021. Hawksbills in US water: life stage durations, somatic growth patterns, age at maturation, and trophic dynamics. Endangered Species Research 45: 127–145.


(8) Ramirez, MD, T Popovska*, and EA Babcock. 2021. Global synthesis of sea turtle von Bertalanffy growth parameters through Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Marine Ecology Progress Series.




(7) Avens, L, MD Ramirez, AG Hall, ML Snover, H Haas, MH Godfrey, M Cook, and SS Heppell. 2020. Regional differences in Kemp’s ridley sea turtle growth and maturation trajectories. Marine Ecology Progress Series.


(6) Ramirez, MD, L Avens, LR Goshe, ML Snover, M Cook, HL Haas, and SS Heppell. 2020. Regional environmental drivers of Kemp’s ridley sea turtle somatic growth variation. Marine Biology. 167:146.


(5) Ramirez, MD, L Avens, LR Goshe, ML Snover, M Cook, and SS Heppell. 2020. Regional variation in Kemp’s ridley sea turtle diet composition and its potential relationship with somatic growth. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:253.




(4) Ramirez, MD, JA Miller, E Parks*, L Avens, LR Goshe, JA Seminoff, ML Snover, and SS Heppell. 2019. Reconstructing sea turtle ontogenetic habitat shifts through trace element analysis of bone tissue. Marine Ecology Progress Series 608: 247-262.


(3) Ramirez, MD, L Avens, JA Seminoff, LR Goshe, and SS Heppell. 2017. Growth dynamics of loggerhead sea turtles undergoing ontogenetic habitat shifts. Oecologia 183 (4): 1087-1099.


(2) Ramirez, MD, L Avens, JA Seminoff, LR Goshe, and SS Heppell. 2015. Patterns of loggerhead turtle ontogenetic shifts revealed through isotopic analysis of annual skeletal growth increments. Ecosphere 6 (11): 1-17.


(1) Turner Tomaszewicz, C, JA Seminoff, MD Ramirez, and CM Kurle. 2015. Effects of demineralization on the stable isotope analysis of bone samples. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 29 (20): 1879-1888.

The Ramirez Lab

University of North Carolina Wilmington

Center for Marine Science

5600 Marvin K. Moss Lane, Wilmington, NC 28409 

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